
The Enabling Independence Grants Program will provide financial support to those recovering from life altering injuries and illnesses for items and equipment that insurance will not cover.

Research Mentoring & Training Program

California Rehabilitation Foundation has received funding to create the Rehabilitation Research and Mentoring. This program will provide didactic education to its participants about how to conduct medical rehabilitation research. It will also provide experienced researcher mentors to the participants and allow them to engage in a ‘learn by doing’ research program during a 12-month timeframe.

Partner with Us

During the process of recovery, one of the most important things we can do is show others they are not alone. Each day, we are inspired by the stories of individuals who demonstrate strength and resilience during life’s most difficult challenges. By partnering with the Cal Rehab Foundation, you can bring the gifts of hope, healing and independence to people with physical disabilities.

California Rehabilitation Foundation

2070 Century Park East
Los Angeles, CA 90067